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Dr. Philip Petersen is the founder of Empyrean Quest, publishing metaphysical books and offering uplifting music. He has a PhD in physics and astronomy at the University of California, San Diego, and has taught Physics and Astronomy at Montana State University and Utah State University. He has also taught Chemistry and Mathematics at the college level, was a tenured professor at Solano College in Northern California, and is now retired. His passion now focuses on finding paths to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. He is a certified Kalos Health Facilitator, having undergone extensive training in muscle testing, or 'kinesiology' with Dr. Valerie Seeman Moreton, ND. He was a yoga teacher for Sri Swami Satchidananda, living in his ashram in New York City for several years in the '70s. His yogic name is 'Narada'. He is a writer, musician, songwriter, healer, entrepreneur, and scientist.

Dr. Petersen was a fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and has written works on Cosmology, Particle Physics, and the Interpretation of Quantum Theory. His magnum opus is The Quantum Shield: Protecting Your Life from Destructive Thoughts and Feelings, which presents the revolutionary idea that positive intentions entangle like quantum particles with thoughts within and without.

His mission is to bring illumination, and assist in elevating human consciousness for the new millennium. He believes that science and religion should be fused into one, and that science will one day select the truth from the plethora of religious principles. He also believes that God is the infinite field of possibilities which resides everywhere in consciousness, and particularizes the perfect personality we are to become within us. This is what makes us united, an expression of Quantum Holism.


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