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Nancy Petersen is a Speech and Communication instructor at three Bay Area colleges.   Nancy earned both her B.A. and M.A. degree at San Francisco State University.  While at SFSU, Nancy took several courses in Holistic Health and wrote a term paper entitled, “Cognitive Therapy in Treating Depression.”   Nancy learned how powerful our minds are in creating our experiences. 

Nancy continues to teach her students about the body and mind relationship in her public speaking classes.  Most students are very frightened of standing up in front of the class to deliver their oral presentations.  However, Nancy spends a great deal of time helping each student to understand that their fears originate in their minds.  Once a student is aware that they are the master of their thoughts, they are more able to manage their anxiety.

Nancy is putting the finishing touches on a book she is writing, “Fear is Not an Option:  Managing Anxiety and Building Confidence.”   She hopes to have it available soon.


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