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Four out of five or more pregnant women go throughmorning sickness. In fact, “morning sickness” is the wrong way to put it, since nausea and vomiting can occur any time of the day. This condition affects pregnant women strongest during the first trimester. It can begin as early as weeks 4-6 after the last period, and usually subsides around weeks 12-14.


  • Acupuncture: Inserting and manipulating needles into various points on the body associated with problem..
  • Acupressure: Physical pressure applied to acupuncture points. On the arm three finger widths below wrist (for 3 minutes). Travel sickness acupressure bands found at drug stores also may work.
  • Vitamin B6: Some studies show that vitamin B6 can help to relieve nausea during pregnancy.
  • Ginger: Helps to settle the stomach and decrease queasiness
  • Milk Thistle: Taken before and during first trimester, it can diminish nausea, even vomiting. It is also good for increasing breast milk once the child is born.

Milk Thistle