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3. HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM: Continual nausea and vomiting during the first trimester (3 months).


Make sure you get IV treatment with fluids (5% dextrose half the time), if you can't keep fluids down!!

  • IPECAC: Homeopathic remedy (just a few atoms of ipecac)--do not take full strength ipecac!
    Ipecac 30C
  • Milk Thistle: Taken before and during first trimester, it can diminish nausea, even vomiting. It is also good for increasing breast milk once the child is born.
  • Milk Thistle 

    Many blogs have appeared online as to how this herb has helped women with continual nausea and vomiting. Also, it is good to take this a few weeks before pregnancy if you have had the problem before.

    Always check with your doctor, to see whether supplements might interfere with your meds or conditions.