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Health Products

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Useful herbs that you could grow:

Calendula and Comfrey: good for bruises, sprains and healing fractures.

Feverfew: may prevent migraines. Some use it for fever (hence its name), arthritis, and skin disorder.

Lemon Balm: helps with anxiety disorders, insomnia, cold sores, etc

Rosemary: healthy seasoning: benefiting phyto-nutrients, anti-oxidants, and essential acids

Sage: aids digestion, cold recovery, especially sore throats.

St. John's Wort: treats viral infections, herpes, calms the pain of sciatica, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Thyme: for respiratory ailments, flu, colds, and sore throats.

Herbal First Aid Kit:

Valerian: good for calming when hyper, lowering high blood pressure, stress and insomnia.

Calendula and Comfrey Cream: good for bruises, sprains and healing fractures.

Myrrh: tincture for sore throats and acne.

Thyme: for coughs, colds, and chest infections.

Witch Hazel: for healing cuts and scrapes.

Arnica: for painful bruises and muscle pain.

Garlic: for infections, garlic oil for earaches.

Feverfew: for headaches and migraines.

Slippery Elm: for coughs and digestive upsets.

Echinacea: for colds, flu, and infections. Strengthens immune system.

Lavender: for insect bites, stings, burns, and headaches.


Goldenrod Nettle